SKU Code: 108397
Manufacturer Number: 3G5035820D
Category: All Parts
fo Garantie- und Austauschanspruch nur bei unverletztem Aufkleber! AITI Warranty and exchange only if label TA No: DTA-001795 is not damaged! С RCM TRA contains MIC ID: R 001-P01084 D 18 0206 201 REGISTERED No: ER66801/18 DEALER No: DA77281/18 Complies with IDA Standards DA104682 ICASA 58206/SDPPI/2018 PLG ID: 5834 OMAN-TRA R/5442/18 D100428 Connection and use of this communications equipment is permitted by the Nigerian Communications Commission PTA Approved by PTA (2018) 12V NTC Type Approved No. ESD 1817369C Pakistan Telecom Authority, AGREE PAR'L ANRT MAROC Numero d'agrement: MR 16794 ANRT 2018 Date d'agrement: 05/06/2018 contains FCC ID 772C-LB1FD contains IC: 772C-LB1FD APPROVED CNC ID: C-22036 TRC/LPD/2018/162 EAC A ΔΔ И005 18 IFT: IFT-008-2015 NOM TA-2018/732 Anatel: 06950-18-10457 NYCE NOM-208-SCFI-2016 NCA APPROVED: BR3-1M-GE2-X69 BOCRA REGISTERED No: BOCRA/TA/2018/3941 Proveedor en Paraguay Diesa S.A. Avd. Dr Eusebio Ayala km 4.5 CONATEL Asuncion 2018-05-1-000192 3G5 035 820 D VWZAZ2Y0652564 24/21 ARCT/821/D.M/DG/ Certificate No. 046/2018 ZICTA ZMB/ZICTA/TA/2018/6/20 Freh car connect Preh Car Connect GmbH Gewerbepark Merbitz 5 D-01156 Dresden Німеччина R-C-P2G-MIB3 MCMC HID17000085 CE SW 0278 HW H22 Made in Poland YD7 MAC BroadR-Reach 40:FA:7F:17:2F:EE MAC WLAN MAC BT D0:40:EF:02:04:82 DO:40:EF:D2:EF:62 14S Model: MIB3 01 MQB YD7-00217.06.2103210030-IL
6250-0222 0693 DRO 09715-324 2021/21-V12 0513569
6250 0222V1301 17/2021